
Kotlin Meetup Amsterdam October 2023

October 5, 2023 Past

Please, register yourself on our MeetUp page.

Hello, Kotlin friends!

We are excited to announce the next session of our Kotlin MeetUp that will take place on the 5th of October!

Join us on an evening filled with tasty food, refreshing drinks, and insightful Kotlin discussions.

Make sure to press the RSVP button!

Would you like to be a speaker? Get in contact with me: Raphael De Lio

📍 Location:
Wibautstraat 200 – 202, Amsterdam

🕒 Timeline:
17:50 – Doors open, food and drinks 🍕
18:30 – Opening 🎙️
18:40 – Kotlin Creators – Paul Wood 💻
19:10 – Small break and drinks 🍻
19.20 – Move Over Kubernetes: Exploring Kotlin-Powered Serverless with Spring Cloud Function – Elena van Engelen-Maslova 💻
20:05 – Empowering Your Development with Functional Programming: Understanding and Practice – Ties van de Ven 💻
20:50 – Chats & Drinks 👥

Kotlin Creators
Paul Wood

In Kotlin we can choose to create our objects in a plethora of ways, this talk will look at each of them in detail, to help you pick the right strategy that works best for you and your team. We will look into understanding how parameters behave when defined in the constructor, how we can leverage design patterns like the builder and factory, how we can create fake constructors using the invoke method and hoe to decide which approach fits your use case.

Move Over Kubernetes: Exploring Kotlin-Powered Serverless with Spring Cloud Function
Elena van Engelen-Maslova

Explore designing serverless code with Kotlin, which offers independence from specific cloud providers, by harnessing the cloud-neutral strengths of Spring Cloud Function and Clean Architecture. Insights into AWS’s performance enhancements like Lambda SnapStart and the Cloud Development Kit (CDK) in Kotlin are also provided. Practical examples will underscore the synergy of Kotlin, Spring Cloud Function, and clean architecture in serverless scenarios, placing emphasis on reducing cloud lock-in.

Empowering Your Development with FP: Understanding and Practice
Ties van de Ven

Functional Programming (FP) has become an increasingly popular programming paradigm, known for its ability to simplify code and increase efficiency. However, for many developers, the transition from traditional programming to FP can be challenging. This talk aims to bridge the gap by providing a comprehensive introduction to FP and demonstrating how it can empower your development.

We will start by discussing the core concepts of FP, including immutability, pure functions and error handling. From there, we will dive into the practical applications of FP, highlighting its benefits and drawbacks. Whether you are new to FP or looking to deepen your understanding, this talk will provide you with the tools and knowledge needed to empower your development and take your coding skills to the next level.

By the end of this talk, you will have a strong understanding of FP and the confidence to incorporate it into your own projects. Join us and discover how FP can help you write cleaner, more efficient, and maintainable code.

Please, register yourself on our MeetUp page.